Tässä ensimmäisiä kuvia pennuista ja emosta:
We have kittens!
Riiviön Aleksandra gave birth to 5 kittens on the 31st of January 2013. Unfortunately one of them didn´t live more than one day even though we tried our best. Four other kittens and the mother is doing well.
Here are the first pictures of mother and kittens:
Emo ja 4 pentua/
Mother and 4 kittens
Kaikki pennut nukkuvat/
All kittens are sleeping
All kittens are sleeping
Vasemmalta oikealle: ruskeatabby poika, sinitabby tyttö, ruskeatabby/valkea poika
ja sinitabby/valkea tyttö/
From left to right: seal tabby boy, blue tabby girl, seal tabby boy with white and blue tabby girl with white
From left to right: seal tabby boy, blue tabby girl, seal tabby boy with white and blue tabby girl with white
ruskeatabby poika/
seal tabby boy
seal tabby boy
ruskeatabby poika ja sinitabby tyttö/
seal tabby boy and blue tabby girl
sinitabby/valkea tyttö/
blue tabby girl with white